Surjit Johal



Surjit has worked in Financial Services for over 20 years in a variety of roles leading up to her current role as an Analyst.

On a day-to-day basis, Surjit researchesĀ  plans, and constructs recommendations in line with client aims and objectives.


As a mother of three, Surjit has very little ā€œme timeā€. She is kept busy by the various jobs that come with being a mum ā€“ project manager, chauffeur, caterer, housemaid, etc.

But when she does find the time, she loves to escape into a good book or watch something on Netflix.

Surjit in the spotlight

My favourite song to play in the car is:

ā€˜Suraj hua madhamā€™ (Bollywood)

The three people at my dream dinner party would be:

Terry Pratchett, James Corden and Benedict Cumberbatch

The best gift Iā€™ve ever received is:

My children (corny I know!)